Tuesday, March 29, 2005
3:52 PM
Too tired lah. couldnt even wake up this morning. Easter partying has taken too much energy outta me. oh well. somehow managed to get my lazy ass to school. was enjoying the new Hillsong songs that Martin send me yesterday on the journey there.
well basically lesson in school sucked lah. let's see if there is anything exciting to blog bout a not. erm during English lesson some prefect came and asked me to report for suspension, but ultimately i still aint got no detention or suspension yet. haha. oh man. super tired. well, by the time i reached Chemistry was too tired to even open my eyes lah. after tahan first of the double chem periods, the next couldnt tahan already lah. sat there and basically just drifted off into some blackout mode. eh, im not joking lah, i seriously sat there and fell asleep with my eyes still open. by the time i woke up it was Maths period. Surprisingly Mr Won let me sleep through his whole period lah. well thats good news or bad news. maybe is coz he was understanding or just that he had given up all hope when i gave him a 34.1% for CA1 chemistry. oh well. woke up and found that i had left a masterpiece of drool through 10 pages of my chemistry workbook, and my legs were so freaking numb i couldnt move them.
then Mrs Koh said i wasnt paying attention or wad and called me to answer some questions on the board. Come on lah, i just woke up trying to snap back into reality lah, my face still got those red marks from leaning onto my arm and book. then my legs were really super cramped and numb i couldnt stand. oh well. basically nothing much happened.
after school went to see form teacher bout my results for term 1. all the basic stuff lah, stuff that i needa know and it wouldnt make a difference if i put wad she said down here. oh well. too tired and lazy too.
after school headed for tuition lah. on the way there trying to assure someone bout erm sticking close to faith via sms on the phone. but duno how come suddenly she stopped replying. oh well. yes i know i was too dead tired to go, but aiyah, went anyhow. blar blar blar i managed to reach tuition. okay. well basically did as much hw there as possible while blasting Hillsong into my ears. Okay fine i cut the crap. You see, halfway through i recieved this sms lah, saying "hello i m kristy. i m ur worst nightmare. i m watching ur every move. i will be by your bed when you sleep night. beware!" okay lah. strange sms from unknown number. at first i thought it was Andy up to his lameness so i replyed, jokingly, "you chio a not?" then after i did that, the reply came and i for once upon a time know that i was definitely not Andy. she said, "thats up to you to find out."
well dream on i aint gonna tell you wad happen after that. but from the replys like, "sorry to disturb your studying", "what music you hearing now?" and "anyway the two boys in front of you look like crap." it was clearly from tuition lah. Fine. i already am 99% sure i know who she is lah. oh well. seriously so tired already then tio this kinda stuff quite refreshing. lol. wadeva lah. just pretended i duno who lah then just try to do my homework. yeah she got my number from the log book, im sure of it. oh well.
after that went home. ahh!! so tired lah. i cannot open my eyes. Night.
Monday, March 28, 2005
3:42 PM
okay. woke up by myself okay this morning, was super tired lah. After all the evangelism and services on saturday i didnt have energy for today. woke up bout 8.10am, then called Martin to confirm that we be going to another church service. Couldn't get enough you see, but also couldn't get enough rest lah. then remembered my sheperd wanted to go to Trinity Church, so smsed Kavina ask her wad time was the service. She told me it was yesterday at 5pm and had missed it already. kinda paiseh to bother girl so early lah, guess she couldn't take it anymore and went back to sleep lah. oh well. rushed out without breakfast to meet Martin at Ang Mo Kio Mrt, coz both my parents were still sleeping, so was kinda lazy to get my own breakfast lah.
Reached there and found Martin already waiting for me, felt kinda bad lah, he take taxi down still must wait for me. Dat shows how punctual he tries to be lah. So we rushed down to Victoria Concert Hall, where my former church is located. Never went to 9.30am service before and Melcher told me it was much like Y-Hope, so was really looking forward to it lah. then reached there i seriously thought wrong place, coz so many adults.. To my surprise, it was actually a family service, where things were not as hyper as Y-Hope's very own Easter Youth Service on 26th Of March. Well, cant say i was disappointed lah, but erm, really surprised i guess. Many many adults lah, and i saw Gabriel and the rest just two rows behind me. nono, not surprising enough, i saw Jing Xuan at rows in front. -.-" yeah Melcher's church friend i once posted about. i think she had her duno issit boyfriend or brother beside her lah. oh well. didnt really bother. just such a small world lah. Their play was not as bad though, but could be a little less try-to-be-a-musical and more drama. still love Y-Hope okay.
Y-Hope rocks!!! Oh well, enough complaining. I guess nothing beats the worship and praise that Y-Hope has lah. wasnt really hyped up and kinda fell asleep during the sermon and had to read the bible to keep awake.
Went to Funan and ate at Mac's there. And guess what? i saw Melcher's mom who was sitting just the table beside us. Duno she wad she doing lah, evangelism or something with another boy around our age. oh well. after she left guess who came?? that super chio tkgs tuition mate which i hadnt seen like in 5 months. well, at least i thought it was. i am so sure she is lah. coz i was kinda shocked and she stared back. she sure looked really like wad i remember lah, but doesn't sound like.. oh well, speaking bout a smal world eh.. We hung out there for quite a while before we decided that it was time to leave for Plaza Singapura. Walk there okay. Upon reaching our destination, we saw some NEA5 people around the compound of Plaza Singapura doing something for the Tsunami victims. They didn't notice us so we decided to wait around the basement area. Before we could reach B2, Calvin came to us with his usual big heartily smile. Lol. sheperd cut hair liao, now my turn to say him. haha. So now its deciding what to buy for Shaun, the New Believer as his birthday present. super cool right? Birthday on Easter. talking bout new life man!! After much considerations and shopping around, we decided to buy The Passion of the Christ VCD for him. i tell ya i make a lousy present shopper. But as we still wanted to shop around more, we went down to Trupet Praise where Martin found his Hillsong album. I asked the cashier whether they had it okay. Not fair man. he took that copy. oh well. i didnt have the cash anyway, haha. So i kindly let him buy lah - Look To You.
So in the end we decided to buy the VCD. As neither of us is 18 years old yet, we though that one of the sisters at the Tsunami stand could be of help. on the way there these 3 girls approached us to do some survey, i thought Martin and Calvin stop to do sia, so i stop and do also. so just nice mah, each get one. then they didnt.. so kinda like left me there. then the other girl was like, "eh no fair one, how come u always get the job.." like the girl who i tio to do the survey was super chio like that.. okay lah, maybe she was abit lah.. haha. We didn't use the NEA5 sister's help in the end, but ended up helping the tsunami victims to feel better by writing some encouragment card for them.
So then it was up to Martin to buy the VCD because he was the most mature looking, even thought my sheperd was the eldest. haha. escape and sabo arh!! The plan did run smoothly without a hitch, but it wasn't exactly anything good either because he wasnt suppose to buy it [M18]. oh well, its for the love of God and expanding his kingdom so no fear man, faith!! lol. Anyway, after that we had some lunch nearby, where we met Choo Kiat. See!! another person we met. crazy lah, these two days meet alot of people.. OH YEAH. forgot to mention.. i met MISS LEOW at the mrt station yesterday after i met Yu Xuan. Sheesh..
After that we went to Sengkang to pass Shaun the VCD. He only stayed for a while though, then left us to be with his parents. then on the way out Anne smsed me, said that her hp was getting confiscated.. not my fault i think.. and told me she was getting a pre-paid card and gonna pass be the number some time later. oh well. Calvin treated us to some lemon barley then went home as both Calvin and i had a lot of homework to do. at the Mrt platform, talked alot to my sheperd bout the Star Wars trilogy lah, coz we saw this poster bout episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. Calvin went ahead to Kovan, while Martin and i stopped at Hougang to take a bus home. Kind of patronised Martin's
Zen Touch the whole way back and finally managed to achieve my goal of 10/10 in spirit this Easter. This Easter is probably the best i ever had in my entire life.. oh well. told him a list of songs i wanted him to send me.
went back and Martin send me all of them, together with the latest Hillsong United praise songs!!! i think im the first pirate of these CD. haha. oh well. super long post lah. so sian. so much more hw to do. sian. tml go back school already. oh well. look forward to saturday again. See ya all then. Bye.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
4:28 PM
How perfect can today be lah. oh man. today is one of the best days in my spiritual life. why? coz i neva felt this connected with God lah. oh well. woke up kinda late and went to meet Yu Xuan at Somerset Mrt at 12pm, which made me 30 mins late. oh well. he's the
only one who decided to turn up for church. the rest all half-hearted man. then Kok Wee and Tak Kian turned up too. that time ask Kok Wee he say he only can pray to the
Guan Yin. then when Monica ask him he come. -.-
okay, reached there met many many familiar faces, then met up with Yu Xuan and brought him to S-11 before graciously volunteering to treat him to desert. ahh!! i wanna cut straight to the service already!! okay, met my tuition mate whom i forgot his name. erm yeah, my cousin's friend lah, in other words. okay okay. ahh. im going crazy lah. Service was
SUPER fun today. we kicked started off with this super cool rap bout the journey of Jesus and the wonders of his presence. then had super super nice praise songs!! of which i jumped along with
every one. oh man. super super fun lah. Easter service totally kicks ass man. then we had this play put up by the drama team, which was rather interesting too. okay, sermon wasn't that boring. haha. but i tell you, the best part is the worship. the songs are so affection to the soul lah. Especially when its Easter season and i was just Holy Spirit baptised yesterday so i am like, super hyper in spirit today. okay so we ended off in a praise song. which is hyped my up even more. oh yeah. rejoice coz, that tuition mate convert and became a fellow christian. :)
ahh!! i got so hyped up, that i went for the second service!! yeah baby, that's excatly the same thing all over again. Oh man. if i could i would have gone for the third service i tell you.. but had house warming at my cousin's house lah. Ahhh!!! i wanna scream. erm okay.. the only boring part bout second service is the sermon lah.. haha. coz same thing again abit sian lah. oh well. Martin was with me for second service also, along with Thaddeus, Nicholas and my sheperd Calvin. he brought some non-believers too lah, who couldnt make it for first service, so went second. so basically i killed two birds with one stone lah. accompany them and at the same time, spend more time in the atmosphere of loving God.
okay. rushed off for my cousin's house warming party. its SUPER BIG LAH THE HOUSE. apartment, but pent-house size. its super super big, and my cousin even had this monkey-bar in his own room. u can guess how big is it lah. with 14 poles somemore. then okay lah. super big lah. one day if i even could get those kinda house i wouldnt wanna leave me home i tell ya. played some games i learned at my cell group with my cousins and friends and had lots of fun.
okay. my relatives are planning to go off for
Ching Ming at 1.30am, but didnt wanna follow them. Partly coz im a Christian and secondly coz i needa sleep coz tml im gonna go church crashing!!! basically that means im gonna visit as many churches tml as i can! Care to join me? haha. oh well. im so excited, coz its Easter already!!! okay lah. i guess i gotta start on my hw too. oh well. I just got too much to say for today that i dont think i can express in words lah. maybe one day i should blog in tongues. lol. jkjk lah. no one is able to read tongues so dats kinda impossible.
oh well. tml Melcher is performing in his church so kinda going there to support him. oh well. Cheers and have faith instead of your fears. haha. Bye!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
2:30 PM
First of all, it's Good Friday!! in case you guys don't know, this very day bout 2000 yrs ago, Jesus was cruxified on the cross and died for our sins. yeah basically that's wad Good Friday is about.
oh well. long long day i guess, woke up at 10am and then reached Amk Mrt at 11.05am to meet with my CG. was kinda late coz i thought was suppose to meet at 11.00am. but last minute recieved a sms from Jon saying time venue changed so had to meet at 10.30am. well, went to Gideon's house for cell today. learnt bout how to relate to people and how to spread the word of God to them and,
i got Holy Spirit baptised today!!! oh man. wad a day to be Holy Spirit baptised lah. on Good Friday itself. felt kinda restricted at first while getting prayed for, then after i finally broke out in
tongues, it was like a huge sense of relief and like the feeling of basically salvation and liberation lah. Felt so good. my sheperd Calvin was kinda feeling flu-ish and all lah, so erm gonna pray for him and hope he recovers in time for tomorrow.
then went to play pool with some contacts. okay, basically i am not 16 yet, so used Clement's Ez link to enter. the lady was like look at the card than at me. its like so obvious the difference lah, plus he had his specks on in the picture on the card and i was like without it. so yeah. she closed one eye and so i could enter lah. oh man. first pool game kanna trashed by Clement. Boy he's good lah. then played with Martin two matches of which i won both. haha. finally won man. i won my second and third match!! okay lah. basically pool is really addictive and kinda fun i guess.
went for prayer meet at RC. first time i been there lah, also a first ever NEA prayer meet!! how cool is that. quite big lah the place, some flat in a HDB building, and the wall had these pictures of many of our brothers and sisters. okay lah, Martin showed me some of the guitar stuff and challenged me to go perfect my strumming. then erm yeah, exercised my new gift abit here and there and yeah, went to play soccer with another contact after that at Braddell Heights CC.
kinda fun lah. felt good to play soccer but wasnt wearing proper footwear so played barefooted. kinda regretting now coz im having blisters on the sole of my feet. later tomorrow cannot jump then gonna be kinda sad lah. made some new friends. lol. Just graduated from primary school. there were kinda good lah, got potential. oh well. no mood to write anything now lah. Just so excited bout tomorrow!!
we are having our Easter service tomorrow, and i am so sure its gonna be one rocking experience lah. those who wanna come
please do!! you dont have to be a Christian or anything, just go and take a look lah. if you wanna come meet me at Somerset Mrt control station at 11.30am, just sms me or something when you reached. so excited lah!! ahh!! dont think i can sleep tonight. oh well. please do try to come and bring ya friends along. dont worry bout admission stuff coz i bet u all must be happy to know that its free.
haha. Happy Good Friday and God bless ya'll.
Friday, March 18, 2005
3:58 PM
Nothing much to blog bout today. just that i played soccer for 4 hours with my churchmates today.
oh yeah, my dad bought me an acoustic guitar. kinda expensive i guess, he told me it was $244 if i am not wrong.. but the price tag shows $280 lah.
oh well. the OC is gonna be back on tv soon.
well, off to badminton tml then..
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
4:19 PM

Almighty God, The Great I Am,
Immovable Rock, Omnipotent, Powerful,
Awesome Lord, Victorious Warrior,
Commanding King of Kings, Mighty Conqueror,
and the only time, the only time I ever saw Him run,
Was when... He ran to me,
He took me in His arms,
Held my head to His chest,
Said, "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
"Son, do you know I still love you?"
He caught me by surprise, when God ran...
The day I left home, I knew I'd broken His heart.
And I wondered then, if things could ever be the same.
Then one night, late one night, I remembered His love for me.
And down that dusty road, ahead I could see,
It was the only time, it was the only time I ever saw Him run.
And then... He ran to me,
He took me in His arms,
Held my head to His chest,
Said, "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
"Son, do you know I still love you?"
He caught me by surprise, when God ran...
He caught me by surprise. And He brought me to my knees.
When God ran...
I saw Him run to me, came running to me.
And then I ran to him, ran to meet him.
Holy One, righteous Judge.
He turned my way.
Now I know He's been waiting for this day.
I was so ashamed, all alone, and so far away.
But now I know, that He's been waiting for this day...
I saw Him run to me, He took me in His arms,
Held my head to His chest, said, "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice I felt His love for me again.
He ran to me, He took me in His arms, held my head to His chest, said,
"My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
"Son", He called me Son. He said "Son, do you know I still love you?"
Oh, He ran to me.
And then I ran to Him.
When God ran.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
3:03 PM
you know when u have that kinda feeling, when u got too much to say but dont wanna start coz u know that the moment u do, it would be hard for you to stop? yeah thats wad i feel bout today. mainly coz of the Chinese Oral Prelim exams we had today.
well got woke up at 11.50am by Melcher asking me to go school early to accompany him to do his maths hw. oh well. okay so arranged to meet him at 1pm but after all the
nessecary delays reached class at 1.50pm. okay. i tell u its so hard to study in class, do hw can lah, but studying? quite impossible. especially when u have a Mp3 player that u cant resist putting down. okay so basically crapped and joked and tried the very best to study for Chinese Oral. Dont ask me how i do that, basically it was my 'Speak Chinese Day' so whatever it is mandarin was the language for the day. i even greeted Mrs Koh and Mrs Ngiam in Mandarin lah. okay. so went to the waiting room before the main Oral exam. lol. prayed for Robin Lee before it was his turn. i duno why we did that, and he was no Christian but we basically prayed for him. Holding hands somemore. so malu sia, infront of the whole class. lol. i guess it worked coz he kinda said it was easy and all. u wanna know why it worked? coz i lead the prayer! the first prayer i lead in a group for my friends lah. oh well..
oh damn it lah. the anxiety and adrenaline can kill. i tell you i would rather sit for a chinese paper 2 any time then take a chinese oral. i just hate orals lah, mainly coz i totally duno how to read more then 75% of the passage. oh well. it was Betsy's turn and then when it was mine to sit at the seat before the main one, u know that hotseat where u get to read the passage first. the invigilator came to our waiting room and told us sternly that we had to read silently not read out loud when we were siting at that hotseat. oh pls lah. i am so sure i didnt read out that loud till she could hear me. okay fine she basically asked me to shut up. then it was my turn to be invigilatored.
okay u see. before i could even greet her or take my seat she starting hammering me with all those remarks lah. saying what why did i read so loud earlier on when i was suppose to do silent reading, and wad i wanted to let those in the waiting room hear issit, and then said if it was the 'O's my name would be canceled out immediately. oh wow, before the tense and anxious me can start reading coz of the so many words i didnt know, she totally killed whatever passion i had for this chinese Oral by scolding me. okay fine. i just took my seat and started.
okay the passage was a total killer. i got the first two words wrongly already and read it as 'bamboo' in chinese. i duno how in the world i managed to do that but i totally crapped through the whole passage. i didnt even understand myself when i read though lah. she gave me that, "boy, i can't believe you're that retarded look" and moved on to the conversation part.
okay it wasnt that a killer coz i am those kinda talk alot person lah, if u know me that is. then she asked the second question, "if you get critisized, would u feel humiliated?". you see it wasnt much of a problem, but when u link it to the first question, which was "those male actors posing off as females on television programmes, what are your views?" its very, very confusing when she suddenly jump from a stupid question like that to one bout critisizing and all. so i was stunned and gave her that blurr look, asking her whether it was link to the first question. she didnt get me, so she repeated the question and said, " 'pi ping' you know, critisize arh."oh man, i knew it was critisize lah. do i really look that stupid and retarded in my own mother tongue to have the teacher to explain it in English for me. okay fine, basically i talked and talked and used my hands to try to get those super chim words outta my voicebox so she kinda glared at my hands, so i kinda retreated them and placed them quitely on the table.
okay, she basically told me lah that i sucked at my passage and that even the simplest of words i couldn't read, and said till some kind of 'gui ying', meaning ghost sounds. yeah shes that mean to mme :( okay fine, she said i needa lots and lots of bucking up in that area, and that i have to put in alot more effort in reading. okay fine. the conversation wasnt that bad lah, but i used like simplified 'B' syllabus chinese which im sure my 7 yr old sister would be able to comprehend.
okay lah. anyway, told this whole tale 6 times before i had enough talking and proceeded to Mac's, where i met Jun Liang and Rayson from my caregroup. okay so talked abit then went to sit down, beside this bunch of Cedar NPCC cadets. lol. not my fault lah. i so happened to want to eat there with my 'take away' ice-cream sundae. okay lah. got one not bad. haha. then went to the 853 bus-stop near the interchange there where i met Jon Tay and another member from church. talked abit then came Si Han. oh man. wad a day lah.. met 4 care group members in less then 15 mins and another church member. oh well. after they left waited for the bus and boarded with Ting Xuan and Sylvonne. okay talked abit bout the oral and how i killed myself and then that not so bad looking Cedar girl came up on the bus. lol so squeezy. okay. lol. i didnt do nothing lah. oh well. went home after that.
tried to sleep but couldnt lah. been hearing the CD i just borrowed from Melcher. oh well. wad a long, long and long day. okay lah. i finally can end my lonngg chinese Oral post. oh well. we'll see how i die during the 'O's..
Sunday, March 13, 2005
5:07 PM
woke up today rather late. at bout 6.55am. yeah, dats late if u have to be in school at 7.30am. in the end i was just bout 5 minutes late. had Chinese lessons in IT Special Room. some lesson bout Monday's oral. well after lesson, accompanied Wilson up the hill and wait for 853 to make my way home.
didnt have much time to slack at home and had to make my way out at 10.20am to meet the rest of the CG at somerset Mrt. reached there and met Martin, and waited quite abit for the rest to arrive. then had our 'breakfast' at S-11 there and yeah basically went for Prayer Meet after that. it was very nice lah. coz it was not that packed and we did 'Consuming Fire', the song which i had been listening to all day long for 2 days already. oh yeah, we had this new believer in our CG too so we kinda welcomed him. after Prayer Meet we had erm, church. the main service.
oh man. it was really cool, coz remember i said that church was now at 12.30pm coz they split into two sessions because of the month of Easter? yeah so the size of the auditorium was half filled. what we lacked in numbers, we sure made up in loudness and passion. lol. i not kidding, praise and worship we were like flooding the open space between the stage and the first row. and guess what? NEA was right infront!! neva really been to front row but who cares man. it was so darn nice lah. praise we were like jumping and throwing arms all over the place. and worship was just amazing as we sincerely, really sang our hearts out lah.
Sermon was on 'The Communion'. bout the significance of the Holy Communion and all. what we should observe and what it significes. yeah. it really made the Communion we had later on really really meaningful. oh well. it was a great day at church. after which, went to Starhub Building for lunch. ate and then took the NS-line with Martin to Junction 8, to walk walk and kill time. Then Martin gave me this card lah, which was kinda warm to recieve and nice. didnt really get him when he said open it at home coz there was nothing to open coz it was just a card. lol. okay, oh well..
reached J8, and realised that Celest or whoeva she is was there signing autographs so it was kinda crowded. anyway, went to
Life bookstore and browse through some CDs. then was testing this CD and enjoying the music when this aunty came up to me and asked me to let her have the device to test the CD. oh dude, cant she just wait. then after i wanted to again, but she kinda glared at me so i had to let her have it first. oh well. being such a kind person and having such a wonderful day i graciously let her :) then went to the Christian store in hopes of buying some of those bands for CG. then realised it was so crowded, coz that Celest was on her way down from stage making her way pass that store. okay. so we waited for the crowd to clear and to have a good look on who she is. chey, it was that duno who but very familar person u once saw on tv. okay lah. she quite chio lah, but she is tall i tell you. taller then me, then like those crazy fans flock after her. okay so good, the place was cleared and we had space to access the shop. oh yeah, saw my neighbour at J8 too. there wasn't the bands, i guess cause sold out and then walked a while more, before i remembered i was suppose to go swimming with my bro.
okay so Martin accompanied be to the cross road section before i walked back home. by the time we went down for swimming it was close to 5am. the sun was down and yeah, so we just swam. quite a few laps yeah, bout 50. of which i did 28 in freestyle!! lol. and i beat my old record of 1 mins and 10 seconds of breath control by 35 seconds, setting a new personal record of 1 min and 45 seconds!! lol u should applause, coz i am sure i can do 2 mins by the end of June cause my brother kinda disturbed me when i was kinda like lost in my own world when underwater. so i kinda lost my train of thought and realised that i needed air, and my lungs started screaming real badly so i had no choice but to resurface. oh well. one day i would hit 2 mins, then 3 mins, then break the record 5 mins and 10 seconds. lol. okay i am dreaming lah.
went to sleep after that and yeah, got up and had dinner. so yeah. nice day lah. sadly, i have chinese oral on Monday and gonna die a horrible death on the other days when all my teachers check for files and i tell them that i coincidentally dont have it with me at this point of time. i seriously lost my 3 most important files lah. English, Biology and Social Studies.. oh well. just hope that my files come back to me. so yeahh...
Saturday, March 12, 2005
4:13 PM
woah boring lah. school is so darn boring. and i seem to have lost all my files, from Social Studies to English to Bio to God knows what else. okay since school is so boring i would skip till right after sch. went to street soccer court to have a few minutes of soccer, before heading out for tuition. along the way on the 135 bus we saw another Cedar girl from tuition. and we were like exclaiming out at the same time.
you know what. i seriously aint got no inspiration and motivation to blog now.
went tuition and when Mr Tan fetched Melcher to the Mrt station, we kinda hitched a ride and told him we were gonna get dinner. Nonetheless, we proceeded to the street-soccer court to play soccer and the match was really really fun lah. coz we dont aim for the goal, we aimed for the goal post to score. after a playing then had a formal match with a quite senior uncle joining us, lol they bullied him by kept ole-ing him, and made him be the goalkeeper. Thank God for boxers coz if i wasnt wearing them today, i dont think i would be able to sit through the remainding few hours we had to endure when we got back to the tuition place. you know how its like when the underwear gets soaked with prespiration and sticks to your groin area. dat sucks lah. okay, im leaving out the other details.. oh yeah, Melcher kept avenging himself by saying what he was free from sms-ing girls and how when i
replied so-and-so that i was smiling to myself and you know the rest. ok so thats no true, he just wants to give me a dose of my old medicine i guess.
okay then this chio SCGS girl came in lah, at bout 9pm. oh crap. after some time then did we realise after Mr Tan called her name that it was the girl which was Melcher's churchmate. oh boy, when she wears her school uniform she's so much better looking. everyone left and there was just the 3 of us left lah, she, Sumahdi and i. okay then after tuition waited quite a fair bit for my mom to come get us but then she took way too long lah. and Mr Tan had to give the girl a lift home too and she was like waiting for my mom to get us so that Mr Tan can close the place and get her home. after waiting for quite a while more we decided to fetch her back and then drop me and Sumahdi at the Bedok Mrt. oh boy, then Mr Tan went out to close the gate leaving 3 of us in the car. lol. damn malu feeling lah. then erm yeah, dropped her off at her house and i said 'bye' to her. darn. and i proud of that. lol. wadeva lah. i eventually made my way back to my computer.
okay. there's some Chinese supplementary class tomorrow at 7.30am. gotta go and somehow, make all my files appear once more so yeah. Gd night and God bless.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
3:13 PM
one short one before i go to bed. oh man, i cant take this anymore. its like my eyes are halfclose now. had not had any sleep for bout 50 hrs already. yeah Chelsea won by aggregate 5-4. well okay, first few periods i didnt get the full punch of the drowsiness, but like after social studies it was chinese. then i starting getting the full impact lah. Chinese test was after school, so had the whole day to learn those 3 chapters.
The test was surprisingly easy though. i guess God is so kind to us, watch soccer so no time to study, so gives us a simple test. oh damn, im so tired lah.. then had E maths peer tutoring after that. it was more like SDL like, draw graphs after graphs after graphs. by the time i was at the last question, i was just too tired to think lah. basically copied from Yu Xuan. oh yeah. those noisy Jap anime music or wadeva wasnt helping much either. oh well.
went for Bio tuition after that. oh yeah, Thomas was discharged just now and he said he would be back in school tomorrow lah. hope he is able to catch up with his studies man, or he would surely die under the claws of A Maths and Chem. okay, back to bio tuition, this girl entered through the front door yeah, coz the air-con was on, so the door was close, she opened it and stuck her head in to talk to Mr Tan, at that exact moment, the lights on the upper side was all just shut off. no one touched any switches nor was there a power trip. then after she said what she said, she left and closed the door behind her. oh man, freaky it may seem, the lights turned back on instantly.. oh talk bout freaky. i guess she just had a really strong kinetic field lah.
Also to meet this cedar girl that was suppose to join us. remember? go check the old posts.. okay did plants and then she came lah. oh wow. so much for the anticipation. i wouldnt call that as 'super chio' like what Mr Tan put her out to be, but just okay looking lah. oh well. she had lots of pride in her as he said, could tell from the way she speaked. lol. we basically daoed her like she didnt exist and she was kinda pissed i guess. i would say,
snow white is still better lah..
sleep!! i need my sleep.. night...
oh yeah. not to forget, Happy Birthday Sister!!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
9:01 PM
it's just a pity, that chinese tests always have to be on the days where there is soccer in the wee-hours of the morning. yeah, its 4.36am now i tell ya my chinese is so gonna suffer in the test afterwards. Chelsea 3 - Barcelona 2 now. i dont care what you guys think but i am rooting for Barcelona.
okay, nothing much happened lah. just that the plan to pon Social Studies SSP was foiled, when we stupidly took our bags and went to look for Mrs Wong regarding the social studies test paper. As Davin puts it, "We left as heros, went back as losers." lol, it was really hilarious lah. well you know i kept my temper today, coz i didnt went to tell a sec 3 or issit sec 2 off who really did bitched me. and yeah, she did that right to our faces. aiyah, i just ignored her i guess. fancy calling us stupid? sheesh, whose the one from the best class? then called Yu Xuan stupid also, and he's that top in level u inspired to be. okay lah, must be humble right. thats why, we totally ignored them. oh well.
went home after that and went swimming with my bro, bout at 4.30pm. its been really long since we last we swimming anyway. swam as much as we could lah, and i was just 20 sec short of reaching my target of 2 mins without taking a breath. i guess when i grow bigger and get a larger lung capacity then we see lah.
tuition tomorrow. that reminds me, i still have to draw that eye. oooo, which reminds me, we having tuition with that Cedar girl tomorrow, which reminds me, i have to sleep now or i wont have enough energy.. nah, the match now is super nice lah. i would say the first half was one of the best u would ever get. 59 min now and going. i duno what bout my chinese test lah, we'll see.. oh well..
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
3:12 PM
nothing much happened in school. oh yeah, had this Chem test which i totally screwed up again. dont even wanna talk bout it. i failed my A maths too, 4/15. and like, thats the lowest in class lah. Only Michael and Me failed, oh man, totally forgot the formula. oh well, almost failed E Maths test too, 13/20 i think. its basically drawing and construction so there's no reason to get below 15 lah. oh well. had to run up and down to collect and pick up the plant specimens for Miss Tan. what the heck man. volunteer me to do such lame stuff. alright anyway, she canceled bio ssp for some duno what reason, and gave us this 32.5 mark paper to do. crazy ass, anyway completed it but i think the answers are worth just 10 marks and then took a bus to Ang Mo Kio, before heading out by train to Jurong East.
the journey is so freaking long... oh yeah, went to Jurong with Melcher to go to JTC to collect some Borders voucher, of which i have to thank God for that $300. anyway, eventually reached there and walked to this super stylo building. then the clerk kinda joked abit then gave me the gift card, saying "Happy shopping." oh man, how it feels to have $300 thrown at you just like that. took the train all the way back to Orchard to spend some of that money in the Borders gift card. it was not in the form of a voucher but a gift card lah. the journey back could kill, and the anticipation of spending money didn't do anything to help. So we entertained ourselves by talking crap bout 'something'. yeah anything bout the topic 'something'. it was basically crap lah, like 'something' is spelt as 'g-n-i-h-t-e-m-o-s' backwards. then after the topic got boring we changed it to 'eagle' coz it was sewn on Melcher's bag. oh well. finally reached Orchard and made our way to Borders.
you know what its like when u dont have the cash and u suddenly want to buy all of those CDs? and when u have no budget u have no idea what to spend on? yeah that was basically what happened. didn't know where to spend the cash, toured the
entire music section to look for CDs to interest me in vain. in the end bought some rather old
Hillsong CD but not the one i wanted. apparently they didnt have it. bought that really stylo bible i wanted the other time, but now it all seemed the same lah. sigh, couldn't really choose u know. and the bible cost like, $53.95. oh well, since its from God i shall put that money to good use lah. all in all spend $85.90. then the salesgirl was like, "this is $53.95 yah?" coz Melcher paid first and used his $20 gift card lah. then i put $85.90 worth of stuff with just a card on top, and not any other cash, so she was like, aiyah u get wad i mean. oh well. took the bus back home.
tried to change blog skin again. it did work at first, but the song was kinda screwed so i am just sticking with this.. so yeahh.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
3:59 PM
Today is a wonderful day. you know why? coz it is the start of the Easter service at church. okay. woke up kinda late then went to meet Kelvin and Martin at Bishan Mrt. lol. i guess i was late. then went down to the platform to meet Johnathan. okay. i dont want to write down everything coz its really long. anyway. after breakfast at StarHub building we went to practice our cheer.
yeah. it was the NEA cheer(North-East A). thats the division i belong to at church lah. anyway, the cheer was really funny and there was this part where we had to put both hands on our laps while standing, with our bodies arch forward, then shake our shoulders from left to right. then also had to put both hands out and shake our bum-bums, like William Hung style. lol. darn it was hilarious. i wore Johnathan's red class t-shirt coz i didnt have a red or maroon shirt. all from NEA had to wear a red or maroon shirt lah.
Service was wonderful i tell you. even if the auditorium was half filled coz we divided into 3 different services coz it was the month of Easter. oh man. the praise songs were so power lah, pratically everyone starting jumping. the atmosphere was there lah. oh well. guess what? Kelvin asked me whether i prefered white or black more. then asked me if i liked stuff with black background with white stuff on it or the other way around. didnt know wad he was up too so i just said black background with white stuff. then he so kindly gave me a notebook and a pen for me to write down notes on the sermon lah. oh man. how touching is that? ask yourself, when did u ever buy anything for me? lol. just joking. see how good is it to have friends? yeah he's my shepherd btw. in case u all duno wads that, its like buddy system, just that the shepherd looks after the sheep. i dont have a sheep so i basically just recieve all the love and give away none. lol. nah, just coz im relatively new at the church lah.
went over to Istana park after that for North-East Unite. then they ask who was new, but u see i already went for like 5 times so i wasnt new, just didnt been to any North-East Unite before. then NEA sabo me, okay so i standed up. then the host asked me to introduce name and school. then she asked me sec what. i couldn't hear properly, i thought she said how many times had i been to Hope Church. so i put the six sign. then so malu, my friends help me say 4. malu in front of the whole North-East, still got girls somemore okay. oh well. played games and gotta know the other people too. lol. as expected my team won. and we won a big bag of prawn crackers which i duno what happened. then this other guy fell into the pond at the Istana there also. lol. it was really funny. if i were him i paiseh untill i rather drown and die there. lol. someone else pushed him lah.
went over to Merridean for some lunch-cum-dinner. Martin was really feverish hot so our care group called a taxi and send him back home. oh well. after that i took the train to Bishan. then Kelvin so willing accompanied me, when he was to go to Serangoon straight from Dhoby Ghaut lah. took train with me to Bishan to take bus there. what could i ask for man? he's a really good-hearted christian. talked bout stuff and soccer. then talked bout movie shows and other basic guy stuff lah. waited with him for his 156 bus before walking back home. see, i not that ungrateful after all lah..
went to aunty's place to celebrate both my sister's and brother's birthday. 3rd time i sang the birthday song in 3 days. Martin's birthday, a pastor's and now my sibling's. oh well. too much cake already, i am like gonna die or diabeties or something.
oh yeah. please come to our service next sat at 12.30pm. or for any other sat at that time during this month. we are really trying to bring more people to fill the auditorium lah. those who wanna come just sms or call me at 81393582. yeah, just try to make it coz i guarantee you it would be a sat that u wont forget.
oh well. i m ending here..
Friday, March 04, 2005
3:02 PM
this part is for yesterday..
didn't do much yesterday, except i contaminated the whole bottle of Sulphuric acid and lead(II) nitrate by kinda mixing them together. oh well i cleaned up by pouring away the whole bottle and taking a clean solution and pour it in our bottle. then i used distilled water to get the original volume. smart right? didnt bother bout the sulphuric acid coz it didn't turn colour.
went tuition and Mr Tan told us that there is gonna be this damn chio cedar girl joing us for bio tuition. but she didn't turn up in the end, needa study for test. but she would surely be there next week. oh well. he said that she was those PMS type. aiyah see how lah.
den the girl that took the bus 14 the other time kept apologising to me coz she kinda freaked out when i left the bathroom. coz i didn't on the kitchen light so she kinda got freaked. okay wadeva. girls~
okay so now its for today. had geog map reading test, and i convinently only managed to find my book this morning.. well there was 100 over pages to study and i lost one of the maps. but i basically scraped through but i think i mistook a pit for a mountain. anyway, it kinda rained the whole time in school. so it was cooling and rather refreshing, esp beside the window. okay had soccer today. really didn't wanna prespire too much, coz had test and it was rather humid. lol, beat Mr Liu's team with 7 men. lol. okay, nothing much happen lah. just a perfect day to sleep but was not able too. went to KFC with Kenneth and Li Lei after that.
ate some new offer and then paiseh and malu abit. coz table diagonally across got this bunch of Mayflower girls. then i think Kenneth ask me to look, den just when i turn they turn back. you know lah. malu-ness. anyway, talk halfway then saw Nicholas, from my care group(cell group). then he sat with us and talked a while before Kenneth and Li Lei left. then waited for Melvin before going for my first care group.
it was kinda fun lah. at this apartment where a guy kindly gave up for our church to use. he lived in the single extended room at the back of the kitchen. met up with the rest of the group and den had a little ice-breaker before we played some games. lol. we played
Guess who is what. okay i came up with the name coz i dont know what its called. the host player have to guess what character we are and we are suppose to give him clues by acting out. oh man, guess what i was?
Captain Planet!!! wahaha! it has been like so long since i last remembered that show. lol. that super hero with green hair and how all the five rings once ended up with the evil guy and created this black Captain Pollution... okay back to reality. played
Murderer but not with winking of eyes but sticking out tongues. lol it was funny lah. then had testimonies and worship. oh man, they had 4 guitars there. sooner or later i am gonna pick one up and start playing. lol. oh well. was some member's birthday too, so we had cake. oh yeah, we had a food fiesta. lots and lots of food and i felt kinda bad coz i didnt buy anything, and Nicholas told them it was from him, Melvin and me, those cheese fries. oh well. had lots of food from two tubs of ice-cream to chicken rice. then celebrated the 'guy who i forgotten his name' 's birthday and had chocolate flug cake. lol. i sure grew by quite abit vertically i think..
oh well. after it finally ended, it was bout 8.30pm. 3hrs of care group. oh wow. dats like longer then church service itself. lol. anyway, it was really nice to see so many different people bond together for one common purpose lah. okay, took bus home and now i am just too full for dinner. oh well, A maths test tomorrow. see ya all in school then..
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
4:07 PM
okay. you know what today is? it's the 1st of March. the official day we must start to study and stop fooling around. must start to listen and class and try my very best to do my own homework. But wad the heck? we played soccer till 6pm plus lah..
Had the first period of Character Education free today. the teacher didn't turn up for duno what reason. so kinda spend the first period doing the chinese letter that i was suppose to hand in. lmao. couldn't help it. 1st of March or wad, i just can't do chinese lah. copied Yu Xuan's letter. then had P.E. after that. oh the field was so wet from the morning dew and rain. played in the new basketball court they so convinently cut from the street-soccer court. kinda wet lah so everyone was like in slow motion. den had to keep going into the bushes to get the ball. oh well.
The next period so happened to be Chinese. the teacher didn't turn up as well. it's basically the same teacher lah. so went to toilet to wash feet with Michael and duno who. ended up taking off our socks to wash our feet. kinda gross i guess, but what do you expect? we are guys yeahh. as i made my way to the toilet i could swear i recognised the teacher's voice from class 3e6. aiyah who cares. as long as we get free period it's okay lah. Miss Loo was our class as i exited from the toilet. yeah she's the Vice-Principal. wah lao. she start her philosophy on life again.. then the class was like so dirty lah. den she asked who was on duty. oh man, 4 people were on duty lah. damn saboed me. then i didn't bother to answer when Miss Loo asked who is Shawn. den she start her crap lah. oh well. picked up litter and help threw it away. then she continue her crap and it was then double maths period. oh crap.
first period was lessons as usual. it was so darn boring lah. then the bird on the willow tree outside was just being such a bird. chipping away. so i kinda glared at it then it glared back. so there was a staring incident!! okay. then Mrs Koh called me to answer question coz she saw me glaring out the window again. okay fine maybe i wasn't paying attention. oh well, had to stand till the next period which was used for E maths test. oh man. so darn difficult. if i can finish the paper before Andy can. something must be really wrong lah. Yu Xuan didn't bring his protractor, or rather cannot find, so i turned and lent it to him. then Mrs Koh come tell me cannot talk and wad. wah lao. give me a breakk. others had like so many lines in their drawing, i barely had 4.. aiyah, screw maths lah. just gotta study harder..
okay i save the rest of the day or this post is neva gonna end. had some 'de-stress' play during assembly. i think it kinda de-stressed a little after what went on yesterday. the ex-sec 4s came back for their results and it was kinda stressful to see how close the 'O's are. wahh.. can die man. i am freaking CCA less. it's so gonna ruin me. oh curse the school for disbanding my CCA and giving us such shit choices. okay nothing much really but when the actor called on student saying something like "careful" den Miss Lam was like telling Mrs Ngiam, "what did he say? i thought he said 'chio bu'". okay. i didn't know teachers used such abbrevations.
had physics test at 2.30pm. kinda okay i guess. at least all my M.C.Q. answers same as Yu Xuan and one of the short-structured question same as Shang Hong and Yu brothers. oh well. played soccer after school. see how it all falls into place? so much for starting in March.. played against the ex-E3 and ex-E7 classes, then after that play with zys. oh man. it was so damn bloody hot it was almost like a bush fire was on our heads. den Joel was kinda being a sucker. okay fine. i don't wanna start cursing here. he like purposely aim the ball at me. first time miss, nvm i dont care. then knn he hit me again. okay i guess i totally lost it. i stuck the finger in his face and spat at him. oh man. i duno why i was getting really annoyed as we played along. it's the heat i guess. well i shouldn't have done no spitting. the finger was bad enough yeahh. must change. it's bout time we all grow up anyway..
okay after soccer took bus. den as i was approaching the 133 bus just left. woah screw this man. was too tired to chase after the bus. oh yeah. i saw a toeless pigeon too. i think its mutation or some bastard kid went to cut its toes off. like one leg was really just a stick. all 3 toes gone lah. oh well, thank God for that next double deck 133 bus.
slept from 6.50pm to 10.50pm. oh man my legs are killing me. blisters again. okay, i guess we really have to start studying and stop slacking one day. oh well, mid-March lah.. lol.